Shipping to Guatemala - Air and Ocean Freight Services

Currency Quetzal
Fiscal year Calendar year
GDP $24.7 billion (2011 est.)[1]
GDP growth 3% (2011 est.)[1]
GDP per capita US$ 4,965 (2011 est.)[1]
GDP by sector agriculture 13.3%, manufacturing 18.1% (2011 est.)[1]
Inflation (CPI) 5.5% (2007)
below poverty line
29% (2005)[2]
Gini coefficient 54.1 (2006)
Unemployment 72.3% (2005)
Main industries coal, machine building, armaments, textiles, footwear and apparel, petroleum, cement, chemicals, fertilizers, toys, food processing; transportation equipment, including automobiles and ships, electronics, telecommunications equipment, real state, brewing, tourism
Ease of Doing Business Rank 97th[3]
Exports $8.5 billion (2011 est.)[1]
Export goods coffee, bananas, sugar, crude oil, chemical products, clothing and textiles, vegetables[1]
Main export partners US 38.5%, CACM 28.3%, Mexico 5.3% (2011 est.)[1]
Imports US$ 13.8 billion (2011 est.)[1]
Import goods machinery and equipment, fuels, mineral products, chemical products, vehicles and transport materials, plastic materials and products[1]
Main import partners US 37.0%, Mexico 11.1%, CACM 10.8, China 7.1% (2011 est.)[1]
Public finances
Public debt $4.957 billion (2003 est.)
Revenues US$0.00
Expenses US$0.00
Economic aid $250 million (2000 est.)
Foreign reserves US$6.187 billion (March 2011)[6]
Main data source: CIA World Fact Book
All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars

In Guatemala, Intercargo provide a full range of freight forwarding and Courier services, below is list of our most popular services;